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Places to Visit in Sonoma

One of our favorite places to visit is the Sebastiani Vineyards & Winery Visitor's Center, which is right across the street from Cuneo Cottage!

Sebastiani Vineyards & Winery Visitor's Center
389 Fourth Street East
Sonoma, California 95476
Phone: (800) 888-5532 x3230
Phone: (707) 933-3230
Fax: (707) 933-3390


You may also enjoy walking to the historic Sonoma Square and visiting the Mission San Francisco Solano de Sonoma, which was the last of California's 21 Missions,and is the oldest structure in Sonoma, dating back to 1823.

General Vallejo's Home, La Casa Grande, is another fun and historical Sonoma landmark that is open to the public. General Mariano Guadalupe Vallejo, who was the commandant who held controlling influence in the Sonoma area when Mexico owned California, originally surveyed the Sonoma Plaza in 1835. He built the barracks for his troops in 1836, and they have been restored and dedicated as a State Historical Landmark.

The Sonoma Plaza itself is an eight acre public park with picnic tables, playgrounds and lots of lovely and quiet areas for picnics and fun. Walk across the street in any direction and you will find a varitey of lovely shops and restaurants. If you visit the Plaza on a Tuesday evening in the warmer months of the year, you can shop at the town's farmer's market, where many local residents come to buy organic produce, socialize and listen to music.

Another great destination for children is Sonoma's Train Town, which is right down Broadway from the Square (but driving there is recommended).

If you are interested in cooking, Sonoma has its own cooking school, Ramekins, which is located onWest Spain Street. It features wonderful and renowned instructor chefs and a wide variety of classes. To learn more, visit www.ramekins.com.